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  • Top 5 genes

    Top 5 diseases

    Data summary

    • Publications : 1001
    • Phenotypes : 178
    • Genes : 207
    • Mutations : 4631
    • SNVs : 3422
    • InDels : 1209
    • Last Update : 22/02/2019

    Detailed information for SNRNP200

    Basic information
    Official symbolSNRNP200
    Official full namesmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein 200kDa (U5)
    Gene typeprotein-coding
    Quick linksEntrez ID:23020; HGNC:30859; MIM:601664; Ensembl:ENSG00000144028; HPRD:03391; Vega:OTTHUMG00000130455
    GO related
    GO term accessionGO term nameNumber of reference genesNumber of genesExpected numberRatio of enrichmentP-valueAdjusted P-Value
    GO:0005515protein binding733710281.611.250.00110.0149
    GO:0043168anion binding24024026.721.500.00480.0336
    GO:0005682U5 snRNP630.0745.842.49e-050.0001
    GO:0030532small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex3350.3613.892.71e-050.0002
    Pathway related
    TermSurceNumber of reference genesNumber of genesExpected numberRatio of enrichmentP-valueAdjusted P-value
    mRNA Splicing - Minor PathwayPathway commons4230.1915.880.00090.0055
    mRNA SplicingPathway commons10740.488.310.00140.0076
    mRNA Splicing - Major PathwayPathway commons10740.488.310.00140.0076
    Processing of Capped Intron-Containing Pre-mRNAPathway commons13840.626.440.00360.0185
    mRNA ProcessingPathway commons15740.715.660.00570.0267
    Formation and Maturation of mRNA TranscriptPathway commons18540.834.810.01000.0429
    PPI related
    IDNumber of reference genesNumber of genesExpected numberRatio of enrichmentP-valueAdjusted P-value
    OMIM related
    chromosomebeginenddisorder MIM numberdisorderphene mapping keygene/locus MIM numbercytogenetic loaction
    chr29693907396972307610359Retinitis pigmentosa 3336016642q11.2
    MGI related
    chromosomebeginendgene IDgene symbol of mouseMGIMPphenotype description
    Mutation spectrum

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    Gene-disease network

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    Contact us if you are an author of a study regarding this gene and do not find your study in RetinoGenetics or find errors in the representation of your study details.